I'm gonna figure out a new system to organize this.
GO HOME, IDIOT by antebunny. Gen. AO3. 2023.
(The thing is, Jason has been thinking that maybe he can just…go home. And that’s when things start to go wrong).
Tim Drake's Kill Count by CoCoPop_04. Gen. AO3. 2023.
or, one action is all it takes to set off a chain reaction, and Tim's night-time ventures into Gotham were bound to go wrong at some point. What starts off as a normal night ends in a murder, but surprisingly it's Tim with the blood on his hands.
i often wonder what goes on out there by librarby. Gen. AO3. 2022.
Bruce Wayne was an odd child. Was strange even before his parents died, that poor kid. Bruce Wayne is an odd adult. The papers describe him as ‘eccentric’. (Most people don’t give him the liberty of kinder language.) Bruce Wayne is probably odd enough that he doesn’t read the papers.
infinitely extraordinary by batcass. Gen. AO3. 2021.
We are made up of millions of stars, she thinks. Or: How Cass becomes Batman.
Oracle Day Drabble by Molly_Hats. Gen. Babs & Wendy. AO3. 2018.
“Do you miss your legs?” Barbara looked over at Wendy. The younger girl sat at the computer, her eyes following the Batgirl dot on the map. As Barbara watched, Wendy’s eyes shifted to meet hers before darting back.
seven years i have loved (this story never ends) by klixxy. Gen. AO3. 2022.
This is how it starts: with blazing lights stinging his eyes, sweaty palms lathered in chalk and gripped upon a steel railing. And this is also how it starts: blood on his hands and blood on the snow, standing still against the horizon as the sky wets his lashes. (Dick Grayson.)
to yesterday's dreams by TeleportationMagic. Gen. Crystal & Steph. CFAA. 2024.
Steph's so much older then she ever was, in this house. Being sick should feel the same as always. And yet.
hell hath no fury by harsassypotters. Gen. Bruce & Jason & Tim. AO3. 2022.
Joker is dead, and Bruce Wayne stands over his battered corpse. Not Batman. Bruce Wayne, blood splattered on his Armani suit and fist still pale from when it had been clenched around Joker's hair, slamming his head one, two, three times against the ground.
if brokeness is a form of art by dreamingaboutsakuratrees. Gen. Jason & Tim. AO3. 2024.
Of all the things Tim expected to see when he walked into class that day, having Jason Todd as his substitute English teacher was not one of them. And of all the things Jason expected when he went back to Gotham to annoy the shit out of his Replacement, growing fond of the kid was not one of them. But oh well, everyone knows life as a teenage vigilante/crime lord is full of surprises.
blood on my hands by impravidus. Gen. Jason & Tim. AO3. 2021.
“Do you ever stop feeling the blood on your hands?” Tim asks. Jason shrugs. “I try not to get the blood on my hands. Gloves and all that.”
dearly departed by phis_corner. Cass & Jason. AO3. 2021.
Cassandra Cain never got to meet Jason Todd. Her first memory of him is when she entered the Batcave for the first time, and the first thing that caught her eye was the torn and bloody suit in red and yellow and green displayed in a glass case.
(since i was running ‘round the city) i ain’t been the same by pumbaaa. Gen. Ives & Tim. AO3. 2021.
It’s 2 am on a Thursday and Tim is in Walmart and does not want to do this anymore.
Cass's crocs are a universal constant by glitter_in_my_eyes. Gen. Cass & Steph. AO3. 2021.
The one where Cass know something is wrong with her Crocs, and it spirals into more being wrong with her world.
all we are is indestructible by clytemnestras. Gen. StephCass. AO3. 2022.
Living with Steph is like living with a tv that's permanently on, bright and loud and flickering with subtext, even in the most calm of scenes.
genie (feral child) by goatsghost. Gen. AO3. 2021.
Cassandra has struggled with verbal communication all her life. But at least, in this family, what else is new? 4+1 family interactions during Cass’ language journey, modeled after the linguistic “feral child” case study of Genie Wiley.
practicalities by MashpotatoeQueen. Gen. AO3. 2022.
Here’s the thing, Barbara’s roots are grown in all things practical and being in a chair just… isn’t. Not in this world. Not in this society.
Terms of Use by kiragecko. Gen. Cass & Tim. AO3. 2022.
Cass learns more about alternative forms of communication, and more about Tim.
one of those days by Princex_N. Dick & Jason. AO3. 2018.
In which Jason suffers recurring joint pain as a result of the injuries dealt by the Joker.
we take what we're given by macabrekawaii. Gen. Jason & Tim. AO3. 2021.
Jason wears pain like a threadbare tee shirt: once beloved and comfortable, but now worn thin and familiar. Most days he barely realizes it’s there. Pain is a low thrum, a backbeat to everything he does, the throb of blood in his veins. Some days it’s easier to ignore than others.
To the Moon and To Saturn by fanfictiongreenirises. Podfic by PrincessMariana. Cass & Steph & Tim. Gen. AO3. 2020.
“You ever just… have that friend, who you love because they’re amazing and all that shit, and your day is completely fulfilled if you make them smile or laugh?” Steph asked.
The Princes of Gotham by Lady_of_Lorule. Titans Polycule, DamiJon, Gen. AO3. 2021.
Dick Grayson is eight when he is adopted by Bruce Wayne after killing Tony Zucco. Instead of becoming a superhero, Dick and his brothers become known as the Princes, feared assassins and crime lords working under Owlman. Slowly, they've been working against the Justice League, sabotaging and turning people against them, recruiting the Teen Titans to them, and they're getting ready to deliver the final blow...
Abominations by SalParadiseLost and JUBE514. Gen. Bruce & Dick & Jason & Tim. AO3. 2024.
Bruce has a bad habit of picking up abominations, but he's learned a long time ago that sometimes the only thing that monsters need to stop being monsters is a little bit of love.
mother make me a bird of prey by blueberry_muffin. Gen. Horror. AO3. 2021.
Dana doesn’t know how to feel about her stepson, Tim. There’s just something...off about him.
let's get mischievous by CreamofTomatoSoup. Timber. AO3. 2021. Review.
At the ritual altar, Bernard gets possessed by Dionysus. Nobody liked that.
Damned Prince of Gotham by RandomReader13. Gen. AO3. 2020.
Gotham is alive and its spirit rests in one Jason Todd.
Glass Heart by LectorEl. Gen. (Third work is Damian/Tim. I haven't read it.) AO3, UL. 2014.
The doctors built Tim a heart of copper, silk, and glass.
Grotesque by Runespoor. Gen. Alfred & Bruce. AO3. 2012.
How Alfred compromised with the thing inside Bruce’s soul, from Gotham’s point of view. Alternatively: This is how to co-opt a soul.
matricide by Raegarch. Gen. Horror. AO3. 2019.
Gotham is a wretched corpse of a city, cruel and monstrous and a den of suffering and most importantly of all, Gotham is a nightmare, living epicenter of madness and agony.
startouched by DragonflyxParodies. Gen. AO3. 2023.
Earth is and always has been alive, and the creatures that call it home, call it mother, name it – Earth consumes their existence. This is not a thing beyond time; for the life clinging to its flesh, Earth is and always has been – all of time, all of existence, condensed into the eyes green as its heart of the boy it loved more than any other.
Have I Told You About Minnie? by Hinn_Raven. Gen. Bruce & Steph. AO3. 2020.
After you’ve known Matches Malone long enough, you get used to him telling you about his kids. Not that his kids know about it.
Paint Cans and Sneaking Out by Batshit_Bogs. Colin & Damian. AO3. 2020.
Damian has picked up a hobby that he's determined to keep a secret. It's a good thing he has friends to back him up.
Red Hood's Babysitting Services by why_is_this_a_thing_now. Gen. AO3. 2024.
Jason, through a series of unlikely events, finds himself taking care of one Timothy Drake and the rest of the brat's team of teenaged heroes. They only know him as Red Hood, which... MAY cause some issues further down the road.
#7. Melody by shutupsolace. Gen. AO3. 2021.
The Wayne Manor had always been full of music.
Ain't No Compass, Ain't No Map by ebjameston. Gen. Dick & Jason & Tim. 2022.
A CPS agent gets sent to investigate a tip that Tim Drake has been abandoned by his parents and is living with the Red Hood. The CPS agent leaves with no Tim Drake, a date with Red Hood's lieutenant, and an intern who's promising to fix the IT systems at his office. It's a weird day for Theo.
Anywhere But Miami by gender_bender08. Gen. Duke & Jason & Tim. AO3. 2023.
inconveniencing people is an olympic sport
Evil is Subjective and All I Wanted Was Some Fucking Sliced Bread by Blue_lotus. AO3. 2024.
Forgetting to mention the All-Blades, however, was a total accident. Really, it was.
National Idiots (or Robins Six) by KingJai. Gen. AO3. 2022.
Or, the Robins bonding while being the hypercompetent dumbasses they are and stealing the Declaration of Independence.
the scientific method by dreampunks. Gen. Cass & Damian & Dick & Duke & Steph & Tim. AO3. 2021.
5 stupid ways Duke's siblings discovered how his powers worked, and 1 time he figured it out for himself.
Tim's Closet by jammingkambing. Gen. Jason & Steph & Tim. Humor. AO3. 2021.
Tim has to find a thingamajig in his closet. Jason and Steph help him out and find, in order, a drone named Jack Sparrow and the cure to cancer.
the spleen saga by LittleLivingLake. Gen. Humor. AO3. 2022.
“Anyway, some of you may have seen Cass’ video where she mentions that I don’t have a spleen? Turns out, completely wrong, I have 5 tiny little spleens that decided to grow after my og spleen was removed."
A Bat and his Birds by SalParadiseLost. Gen. Bruce & Dick & Jason & Tim. AO3. 2022.
Bruce Wayne adopts a child on impulse... and then another... and then another. He doesn't know what he's doing, but somehow it doesn't end up too bad except for the fact that his kids think he's a vampire.
Correlation and Causation by Tanaletheia. Podfic by itsafookinlesbian. Gen. Jason & Steph. AO3. 2019.
A statistics teacher in Gotham decides to make a graph comparing times when Bruce Wayne goes on holidays with times batman gets beaten up really badly by villains to demonstrate how correlation does not equal causation.
Let the Rumors Fly by Nokomis. Gen. Humor. AO3. 2020.
Steph’s blissfully nondescript college life comes to a crashing end when she punches the Riddler in the nose during a study session.
The Dunkin’ Donuts Guide to Surviving Gotham City by JustThatOneGirl1815. Gen. AO3. 2023.
It’s impossible for anything to be boring when you’ve the entire Batclan and many, many others all appearing at your counter in the middle of the night with little to no warning. Seriously, the bell above the door doesn’t even ring when they walk in. It’s terrifying. And that’s assuming they actually come in the normal way, which, by the way, they do not. The only solace that can be found in dealing with these maniacs is that there’s a helpful How-To section in the Dunkin Donut’s handbook that covers everything from Red Robin’s ridiculous coffee order to what to do in the event that Nightwing and Spoiler ride up on a hideous scooter while ominously chanting for donuts.
A Light In The Dark by feministbatman. Gen. AO3. 2016.
Harper Row is invited to a fundraising gala at Wayne Manor and, despite her reluctance to know who is under the cowl, accidentally discovers Batman’s secret identity.
Caged Robins Don't Sing by independent_variables. AO3, UL. 2020.
It wasn’t until he turned around one early morning with a fresh cup of coffee in hand to find Tim standing behind him-- tank top revealing a patchwork of vivid scars and defined muscle across his arms and shoulders, eyes flickering around the kitchen and clinically cataloging the exits, silent and still as the night itself-- that Jack realized he didn’t know This Tim.
A Cup Running Over by sajastar. Gen. AO3. 2023.
The effect was noticeable even to John's mundane eyes now. Not as a light, but as something kinetic in Jason's posture, an alertness in his eyes, a subliminal whisper in his breathing. Alive alive alive alive alive.
The BAU Goes Batty by RandomReader13. Gen. AO3. 2023.
The BAU inadvertently adopts Jason Todd. No one is happy about it.
Black Magic by DragonflyxParodies. Gen. AO3. 2024.
Jason Todd is the unlucky recipient of one letter from Gringotts, concerning a will reading. Things spiral.
Scientific Method by vogon_poet. Gen. Epic. AO3. 2021.
It’s not like he’s surprised a magic school exists— that’s probably only a seven on the scale of “crazy things Tim Drake has seen”. No, Tim’s just surprised he’s enrolled.
The World's Greatest Undercover Wizard by M_Mint. Gen. Epic. AO3. 2023.
When the Justice League hears of an evil wizard threatening the safety of the world, who do they send undercover at Hogwarts to scope out the threat? Why, the World's (Second) Greatest Detective, of course! Tim Drake-Wayne may have signed up for this mission on a whim and so that he wouldn't let the JLA down, but that won't stop him from having a good time while he's at it. After all, it's not every day that you get to pretend to be a wizard.
Give Thanks to Broken Bones by thepartyresponsible. Jason/Tony. Epic. AO3. 2021.
The bodyguard is incredibly well-respected in the superhero single parent community. He is also, Tony’s realizing, something of an asshole.
Max's Diner: Blüdhaven by TheWitchBoy. Gen. JayRoy. AO3. 2021.
Jason, in guise of the downstairs neighbour "Peter," takes Roy and Lian to Max's Diner to celebrate Roy and Lian's survival of their first six months together. Max's Diner is equal parts comfortable and nostalgic, and its staff are... an interesting bunch, to say the least.
Prince of Business by Syreen23. Gen. Tim & Tony. AO3. 2024.
After Bruce Wayne comes out as Prince of Gotham and head of the rebellion, Tony Stark travels to Gotham to see his childhood friend and finally get some decent intel. There he meets Tim Drake.
When Sanity Runs Out by heretoday898. Gen. AO3. 2023.
Roy is Jason's best friend, nothing is going to change that. But, damn does the archer make it hard for Jason when he goes touching things he shouldn't, things that send them to a completely different universe. A universe in the middle of a galactic war. Really, Jason would just like one thing to be easy in his life.
Even Lights Can Fade Away by CastIntoFlames. Gen. Angst. AO3. 2020.
He thinks he can see her handprints burned into his chest sometimes. Bludhaven is miles away but scars don’t fade with distance.
Merida by lame_unicorn. Gen. Jason & Lian. AO3. 2022.
A normal day turns into an impromptu take-your-kid-to-work-day when Roy shows up asking for him to look after Lian. It goes well, surprisingly.
Secret Identities 4 Dummies by Honorable_mention. Gen. AO3. 2022.
Or five times Neal definitely shouldn't have known how to do that and one time it started to make more sense.
The Gotham Curse by LetPeterParkerSayFck. Gen. AO3. 2023.
Neal Caffrey — also known as Jason Todd — is from Gotham: a city with a bonafide curse, as confirmed by the justice league. This is how the White Collar team learns about exactly what Gotham has to offer, and how it's affected their friend.
threat of bodily harm is my love language by impravidus. Gen. Damian & Steph. AO3. 2022. “Get your filthy hands off of me! I will not stand for your abhorrent displays of affection, you insufferable pig!” Neal shouts. “Aw,” Elizabeth says. “If you really meant that you’d be stabbing me right now.” OR: 1x01 with Damian!Neal and Steph!Elizabeth.
While You Were Missing by basil_coffee_and. JayRoy. AO3. 2024.
Jason's undercover work as Neal Caffrey is difficult for several reasons. He didn't anticipate that single parenting would be one of them, though.