a body is a knife by Duck_Life. Gen. AO3. 2021.
A body is a thing-- it holds, it cuts, it bleeds, it lures. (Sam wrestles with autonomy, agency and consent.)
Dean Winchester’s half-way house for orphaned half-monsters (and humans) by foolondahill17. Destiel. Angst, Slow Burn, Some Sexual Content. AO3. 2024.
What if Dean just kept every kid he’s ever interacted with? A re-write of season 6 onwards in which Dean slowly collects every conceivable stray that crosses his path.
fatherhood by thegirlwithmanynames. Gen. Castiel & Claire & Jack. H/C. AO3. 2022.
It’s been a long time since Claire Novak had parents. That’s just the way the world works; some kids grow up in a loving family, spoiled by mommy and daddy until their teeth rot out of their skulls, and some kids’ moms and dads get creatively murdered by feathery jackasses of the Lord. Nothing to see here - life goes on, and the world keeps slowly turning.
i have a rendezvous with death by leonidaslion. Gen. AO3. 2011.
Harvie doesn't know what to make of the man who saved her, or his great, yellow-eyed hound, but one thing's for sure: there are stranger things in this rider-ridden world than haunts.
interregnum by goodbyechunkylemonmilk. Gen. Adam & Sam, Midam. Angst. AO3. 2022. Review pending.
Instead of looking horrified and apologetic, Sam gazes down at the knife tenderly. “This was Dean’s favorite knife,“ he says, picking it up and holding it with both hands like it’s something precious. His eyes glisten. Adam doesn't groan because he isn't an asshole, but it's a near thing.
It's an Experience by pingnova. Gen. AO3. 2018.
Claire is working through some feelings about the death of a certain angel. When Jack tries to help, they both realize something new.
kevin and the wonder twins by pencilscratchins. Gen. Comic, pick-your-price digital Zine. 2022.
A 20 page collections of art for a Supernatural AU where Kevin, Claire, and Jack are traveling around the country, ganking ghouls and... vanishing vampires? (not a lot of alliterative language re: killing monsters.)
Making Death for Strangers by caspock. Gen. Castiel & Claire & Dean & Jack, Destiel. Angst. AO3. 2022.
He's nothingness, Claire thinks in horror. He’s consuming everything that touches him, and he’s turning it all to nothing. Castiel retreats within the confines of his body, and he curls one hand into a loose fist. He says nothing.
Mary Winchester, Lesbian at Large by high_queen. Gen. Destiel. AO3. 2022.
Mary Winchester is a lesbian. She has no idea how to tell her children.
Meat by idlebuzzkill. Gen. AO3. 2021.
"Why don't you eat meat anymore?" Because all meat is the same to me now. And I can't stomach it. Just Sam taking the time to assess his motives and acknowledge his trauma in a healthy and safe environment.
My Brother's Keeper by monicawoe. Gen. LJ. 2011.
Sam and Dean freed Lucifer and Michael from the Cage. Nobody knew why. Nobody knew how. The Winchesters had consumed the archangels, swallowed down their power and turned it into something terrifying and new.
now it’s my turn to tell you — sheltered behind this skirt, i will live forever by paii. Gen. AO3. 2024.
soulless sam decides to take matters into her own hands.
On the Topic of Librarians by goldenhand9107. Gen. Outsider POV. AO3. 2022.
Some people learn about the supernatural, and decide to run screaming in the other direction; these folks are the most sensible and will likely live past their fiftieth birthday. Some people learn about the supernatural and choose to take up the fight, defend the world from the things that go bump in the night; these are the folks people like to hear stories about. And one person in particular learns about the supernatural, and goes "Okay, but who's keeping track of all this information? Someone has to, right?"
stars & dots by piesexuality. Gen. Destiel. Outsider POV. AO3. 2021.
The thing is that Jack is a good student. A great student, even. As the school counselor, Vera’s been trying to make sense of it on her own for awhile. He's such a nice boy, but his behavior is off-putting in a way she can't quite put her finger on. She hates having to bring parents into the equation, but with Jack, she’s reached the point where there’s simply nothing else she can do.
The Average Lifespan of a Western Honeybee by gorgeouschaos. Gen. Castiel & Dean & Sam. AO3. 2020.
Time moves faster in Purgatory. Cas measures time in the lifespans of bees.
The Gas-N-Sip on Route 36 by MCUsic_to_my_ears. Gen. Outsider POV. AO3. 2021.
Jack is a regular at the Gas-N-Sip near the bunker. His parents, however, are not. Or, five times Jack was accompanied by a new guardian to the Gas-N-Sip and the one time they all came.
The Girl From Outside by honeylocusttree. Gen. Outsider POV. LJ. AO3, UL. 2012.
Jess is an undergrad anthro student hoping to do her honors’ project on the little-known, poorly understood ethnic group known colloquially in the United States as Hunters. A Stanford professor puts her in touch with a student who happens to have been brought up in the Hunter community, but her efforts to conduct interviews with the student and his family takes an unexpected turn the very day she arrives.
the past is made of stardust (the future's shifting sand) by anonymous. Midam. AO3. 2022.
Adam knew he had to look ridiculous. Before, they’d seen him while he still had an archangel maintaining his body, but after the last day and a half? He was sweaty and sunburnt and dehydrated and he could almost feel the bags under his eyes. But another gift of the Cage was losing the ability to give a fuck what he looked like. “Michael isn't home right now,” Adam said. “And I’d like to know why.”
The Roaring of Lions, the Howling of Wolves by wanttobeatree. Gen. Horror. LJ. 2009.
And everything is goodness, and everything is light.
The Wheels On The Bus by inkteacup. Gen. Adam & Belphegor & Jack & Michael. Epic. AO3, UL. 2020.
Four boys with a rough understanding of how narratives work attempt to figure out how to derail an entire universe's storyline.
these fragile paper houses by DalekQueen7. Gen. Dean & Sam. H/C. AO3. 2021.
Most days, Sam functioned.
We Are the Monsters by AndThatWasEnough. Gen. AO3. 2021.
It’s an important day for the residents of the bunker, but Dean is nowhere to be found.
what fun it all would be by 8sword. Destiel, Sam/Amelia. AO3. 2013.
Nothing dies in Purgatory, but they are forever finding corpses. A thoroughly jossed S7 coda fic in which Dean and Castiel find Emma in Purgatory.
Wreckage by WetSammyWinchester. Gen. AO3. 2018.
It’s a slow procession out the front door of the Bunker that first week until it’s just the two of them left. Jack wants to comfort Sam after Michael takes off with Dean but doesn’t know how; Sam is obsessed with how to get his brother back, no matter what the cost.
Defect by Kikkimax. Gen. 2007.
Dean is finally captured by the FBI just as his time runs out.
Let's Call It Even by C4t1l1n4. Gen. 2024.
Spencer Reid has seen many bizarre things during his time in the FBI. Being kidnapped while in the area for one case by people from a different case you aren’t even working on is new, even for him.
Perhaps the World Ends Here by Randomfandomwoman. Gen. AO3. 2024.
JJ wasn't sure what was worse, being taken by an UnSub, or being rescued by Dean Winchester.
Sour Cherry Pie Life by FaithDaria. Gen. FFN. 2011.
Dean has retired to the civilian life. Too bad no one told the serial killer currently stalking teenagers in Indiana.
The Time Has Come to be Gone by jujuberry136. Gen. AO3. 2011.
When Aaron Hotchner stepped into the interrogation room to interview one of the FBI’s most wanted unexpectedly apprehended earlier in the afternoon, he never thought the evening would end with bloodshed and rock references.
Lifetime by robbiepoo2341. Gen. FFN. 2014.
Dean has never met anyone like the Doctor before. For that matter, the Doctor hasn't met anyone like Dean. They keep meeting out of order, too, and that only complicates what is already a rocky relationship. The Doctor isn't human, after all, and he has a tendency to show up when trouble is brewing.
A Hunter and a Metamorphmagus Walk (Are Abducted) Into a Dungeon by bookjoyworm. Gen. Adventure. AO3. 2018 - 2023.
In which Harry Potter and Supernatural are thrown together because of the Men of Letters' general assholery. When Worlds Collide by elfinblue. Gen. FFN. 2013.
When a kidnapped Tony DiNozzo is rescued by legendary - and supposedly dead - serial killers Dean and Sam Winchester, the NCIS team takes over the Winchester investigation. What they find is a file filled with contradictions and impossibilities.
By Pendragon's Sword the Dark Shall Fall by Edenbound. Gen. DW. 2010.
When Dean sees Bran and Will in a crappy little diner, he has no idea how important they're about to become to his life. And if he had to pick anyone to be extra special, it'd be the arrogant albino asshole, not the mild-mannered Will Stanton. Which shows how much he knows. Will's the Watchman of the Light, and he's not at all pleased with what he's seeing.
Demon!Dean in Panem by Shanza. Gen. AO3. 2023.
Just a series of one-shots considering what might occur demon Dean (well, my version, at least) was living in Panem.Crossovers
Criminal Minds
Doctor Who
Harry Potter
The Dark Is Rising
The Hunger Games